Customs Clearance

Export customs clearance has no longer been a question of clearing exports, rather it is an export procedure in line with the Foreign Trade Regulation. As the process of exporting goods can be a minefield for companies, entailing particularly thorough checks by the export authorities, special care must always be taken when carrying out export customs clearance. This involves observing a great number of different export procedures, such as:

Entry outwards / export declaration

Incomplete / simplified entry

Export notification for purposes of record

Dutiable goods/transit goods

Exports within the European Community

The details of the consignment, its customs status etc. are notified by us to the customs authorities, the port authorities and the transshipment companies via a special electronic notification system such as Saudi EDI(Jeddah) (export customs clearance in the paperless port system – Jeddah) before delivery / loading of the consignment at the deep sea port. The cargo-handling company is not allowed to load a consignment without a reference number issued by the system. This reference number must additionally appear on all export documents before they are submitted to the relevant customs office.

Special attention must be paid to the loading of goods having the following customs status:

Goods requiring an export license, e.g. base materials for drugs etc.

Goods subject to market regulations (T5), unequivocal proof must be provided that these goods may be exported

Dutiable goods/transit goods

Customs Clearance, Import

Depending on the application you envisage for the goods imported, we will advise you on the various different customs clearance procedures and offer you the one that is best suited to you. This will include the corresponding customs documentation for

Clearance for free circulation

Clearance involving simplified customs procedure

Clearance against a customs transit note

Registration at a bonded warehouse

Consolidated customs procedures at the free port

Clearance of personal effects and vehicles

Clearance of returned goods

Completion of inward and outward processing

Even before actual customs clearance takes place, we check the optimum import procedure for you using information taken from your shipping order and, in addition, the necessary import documents for their completeness.
This also involves the following tasks:

Entering the imported goods in the Saudi working tariff via the customs software and at the same time checking the customs import regulations

Checking import concessions such as the reduction in the rates of duty on submission of preferential certificates

Checking import restrictions such as the imposition of anti-dumping tariffs

Application to the Federal Office of Trade and Industry for import licenses and monitoring certificates

Procurement of supplementary documentation such as pesticide or veterinary certificates

In the case of clearance for free circulation, we are pleased to provide you with advice regarding application for your own consignee’s deferral identification permit in order to settle import charges, duties and turnover tax on imports raised by the customs authorities.

In the area of administrative procedures involving the bonded warehouse, we summarize the import charges in a succinct manner once a month and make available a list specifying the allocation of customs and tax charges on goods leaving storage.